Google Analytics Consulting

Convert Universal Analytics to Google Analytics 4

It is "official": Universal Analytics will soon no longer be available.

After the introduction of Google Analytics 4 in mid-October 2020, at that time still under the name "App + Web Property", Google is serious and will switch off data collection via Univsal Analytics for all free accounts on 1 June 2023. On 1 October, the paid 360 accounts and properties will also follow.

From 1 July 2023, no new data will be processed in Universal Analytics. For Analytics 360 properties, the processing deadline will be extended once until 1 October 2023.

Your data will be available for at least six months after the tracking function is switched off. However, according to Google, this is the end and historical data can no longer be accessed. Even though Google has repeatedly postponed dates in the past, it is clear that Universal Analytics, which is the most widely used tool today, will not be around for much longer. Personally, I would like to see tracking switched off at the turn of the year so that GA4 data can be compared throughout the year.

This presents you with three at least significant challenges:

  1. How do you secure your previous data collected by Universal Analytics?
  2. How do you ensure that you can capture and map all important information in GA4 in the future?
  3. What can your future reporting look like? Even big data warehouse tools like Tableau don't have a direct interface (API) to tap data from GA4 directly at the moment (March 2022).

The most important questions about switching off Universal Analytics

From 1 July 2023, no new data will be processed in Universal Analytics. For 360 properties, data will be collected until 1 October 2023.

According to Google, you will still have access to your previously collected data for at least six months after the shutdown on 01.07.2023. This means you can save your data until probably 01.01.2024.


Do you have a specific question that you cannot answer on your own or do you need a second opinion? We are happy to be at your disposal as a contact person at short notice and will try to find the answer to your specific question for you.

Ask your question about Google Analytics

In addition, we have prepared the most frequently asked questions about Google Analytics for you in our Google Analytics FAQ.


All too often, website operators and marketing managers face the same problem: in the sheer mass of information and reports provided by Google Analytics, important details get lost or are simply overlooked. Together with you, we can create customised dashboards on request, which you will also receive automatically and regularly by email. Furthermore, we set up automatic notifications that actively inform you about really important changes.


Your existing analytics does not answer all your questions because important information is missing? We are happy to take a look and close the information gaps. There is almost nothing you can't measure!


We set up Google Analytics for you. We use the currently still preferred "Universal Analytics", but also integrate the future-proof "Google Analytics 4" in parallel. Both tracking systems run in parallel and you can use the best of both worlds!

In the long run, Google Analytics 4 will prevail over the more common "Universal Analytics". Until then, you have the opportunity to use both tools at the same time.

Change of provider

You want to change your tracking tool and make the transition as clean as possible? We support you and ensure a smooth transition from other tracking tools to Google Analytics.

We take a close look at your previous data and tracking structures and either try to translate them as accurately as possible or make direct improvements together with you. In most cases it is not possible to transfer the existing structures of one tracking tool 1:1 to another tool.

Furthermore, we often implement Data Studio reports in this process, which you and your colleagues then receive at desired intervals by e-mail and as a PDF. This ensures that you and your colleagues no longer have to become "professionals" in the use of the tracking tool.